
– 201108geo picture blue river greenland

In the remote, icy expanse of northern Greenland, the onset of spring transforms the landscape into a surreal scene. Meltwater channels, born from rising temperatures, carve through the ice, creating striking, pure blue streams and lakes. These natural phenomena are both mesmerizing and alarming, highlighting the impacts of climate change. Expeditions, like Greenpeace’s in 2009, […]

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– 201110mars opportunity rover

A virtual trek, that is. NASA has just released a stunning video comprised of 309 photos the agency’s Opportunity Rover took during it’s three year journey from the crater Victoria to the crater Endeavor. Although the spanned distance is only 13 miles, the whole trip lasted a whooping three years. Granted, a relatively animated view […]

– 201109tension vs gravity

The Slinky is one of the most popular toys in the world, being used by children in the playroom and NASA scientists trying to demonstrate physical principles, alike. Surprisingly or not, slinky springs are filled with even more secrets of physics besides simple energy and momentum releases. For example, in these two incredibly entertaining videos […]

– 20110824quake cnd articleLarge

A small, yet frightening earthquake, registered at 5.9 magnitude, sent shivers down people’s spines all the way from Ottawa, Canada to North Carolina as it hit the North American east coast. The earthquake first caused ground shacking at 1:51 p.m. ET, when it measured 5.9 in magnitude and lasted only 45 seconds, according to the […]

– 201108cannabis

Here’s what happens when DNA sequencing meets college parties: Cannabis sativa genome was mapped, and the results were published in Amazon’s EC2 public cloud computing service by a young company called Medicinal Genomics, which aims to explore the genomes of therapeutic plants. However, the company has only posted the raw bits and pieces, so you […]

– 201108vegetables

Cooking green is a lot easier than you might think. The idea is to simply learn how to save energy in the kitchen and use foods and cooking practices that are better for both your wallet and the planet. Luckily, there are dozens of ways to accomplish the goals of cooking healthier, cooking cheaper and […]

– 2011086a00d8341bf67c53ef01539068933e970b 800wi

Well, I guess Han Solo should be more careful where he parks his spaceship from now, since Swedish treasure hunters just recently found an unidentified object beneath the Baltic seas which portrays an uncanny resemblance to Star Wars’ most iconic of spaceships. The whole find occured while the Ocean Explorer team, led by researcher Peter […]

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