Browsing: Health

– 201201kindness 2

A nurse’s tender loving really does ease the pain during a medical procedure, and grandma’s cookies really do taste better when they’re made with love. This new study conducted by researchers from the University of Maryland might have numerous real-world applications, from medicine to parenting and business. “The way we read another persons intentions changes […]

– 201104meat

Staphylococcus aureus is a nasty fellow; it can be responsible for a variety of diseases, and it’s pretty resistant to a variety of treatments. But sometimes, it can get an upgrade, and become way more resistant to drugs, which means the staph bacteria becomes much more dangerous and much less treatable. So it’s definitely not […]

– 201009autism wide

I recently came across a great article written by The Atlantic which I strongly suggest you read, about the first man who was diagnosed with autism. Now 77 years old, Donald Triplett has had quite a life ! He is a damn good golf player and has visited over 30 countries in his life, went […]

– 2010071 mentaldeclin

A group of scientists from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center discovered a new chemical compound that helps newborn neurons grow into mature brain cells called P7C3. This particular chemical makes new neurons grow in the part of the brain that is integral to learning and memory! This means the research, funded in part […]

– 201004gross cheseburger

According to a recent study published by the American Journal of Public Health, health insurers are among the top investors in major fast food chains. Ironically, these companies invest nearly 2 billion dollars per year in companies closely linked with heart and vasculary diseases. “The insurance industry, so far as it seeks to make a […]

– 201003cancer nanobots

Take a really good look at this picture; you may just be looking at the very thing that will defeat cancer. The black dots are nanobots, practically delivering a killing blow to the cancerous cells, and only to those cells. According to Mark Davis, head of the research team that created the nanobot anti-cancer army […]

– 201003mercury in fish big

The latest study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) definitely poses a few question marks, to say the least; the results were shocking: after testing fish from 291 freshwater streams from the US, all the fish were contaminated with mercury. “This study shows just how widespread mercury pollution has become in our air, watersheds […]